Morning Sun


Product Ingredients: Morning Sun – Sencha green tea,with papaya pieces,pineapple bits, Strawberry bits, Raspberry bits, Currants and Rose blossoms.

Steeping Time:  Do not use Boiling water on any Green Tea! You boil the water and let it wait for a 1-2 minutes. This will let the temperature drop to about 185 F to 180 F. If you use boiling water on Green Tea you will burn and scald the delicate Green Tea.

Also try to make a small quantity of tea initially. The general rule is to use 1.5 to 2 tsp of tealeaves, (one and a half tea-spoons or two tsp) to a 5 – 6 ounce cup. In Canada and USA we have observed that the cup size is 6 to 8 ounces.


SKU: TG-MS Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight N/A
Package Size

100g, 50g